Thursday Three: Embrace Journaling, Tackle Tardiness, and Explore Our Energetic Echo
Here’s what I found inspirational, challenging, or just downright hilarious this week. What caught your eye?
And, remember to check out this week’s great podcast episodes:
Scaling a SaaS Company with Jason Morehouse
“A crucial factor to business success is to find and take the personal path that works best for you.”
— Jason Morehouse
Refine Your Personal Style with Delia Folk & Alison Bruhn
“Style goes beyond following trends or dressing like others. It’s about understanding how your clothing can enhance or sabotage your presence.”
— Delia Folk & Alison Bruhn

Every experience is valuable. Each one has a lesson to teach us.
Journaling is making a comeback, with both mental and physical benefits being touted by researchers. I recently discovered this inspiring Bullet Journal Method that sounds really cool.
In his YouTube video, Ryder Carroll, the creator of this journaling method, notes that journaling can be a quick and powerful practice anchored by personal intentions, be it better mental health, increased organization, or improved self-awareness. His “rapid logging” method offers a simple way to capture thoughts, feelings, and experiences, dividing them into tasks, events, and notes.
Setting an intention and keeping a daily log form a solid journaling foundation. This practice can lead to a greater understanding of our actions and emotions, fostering informed choices based on lived experiences.

Undoubtedly, we’ve all experienced that friend, colleague, or family member who is always late. Deadlines seem to be mere suggestions for them. While the issue is frustrating, it’s worth understanding the psychology behind chronic lateness.
Being tardy isn’t always an indicator of laziness or lack of consideration. It turns out there’s a fascinating link between personality type and time perception. Ambitious individuals (Type A) perceive a minute quicker than their creative counterparts (Type B). Lateness can also stem from deep-seated fears or mental health conditions. Understanding the root of lateness promotes patience and improved time management. And if you keep your friend or relative accountable, it may influence them to work harder on paying attention to punctuality.

The human “aura,” long spoken of by mystics, isn’t simply spiritual folklore. Biochemist Dr. John Norman Hansen has been causing a seismic stir with his research suggesting that our bodies might just be emitting a bioenergy field, invisible to the naked eye.
Think it’s all a bit woo-woo? Well, he’s backed up his assertions with intriguing scientific methods. He used a fine-tuned torsion pendulum, a device so sensitive it picks up the subtlest of forces. And what he saw was a spectacle of unseen physics — the pendulum swung to the rhythm of this hypothesized bioenergy field. What’s more, it kept on swinging for a solid hour, even after the human subjects left its vicinity, like a ghostly energetic echo of their presence.
Not everyone’s convinced — some attribute the pendulum’s movement to the heat of our bodies. But Dr. Hansen is standing his ground, adamant that we’re witnessing an exciting new dimension of human understanding.
Which of the three posts resonated the most with you this week? Let me know! I’d love to hear what inspired, challenged, or intrigued you.

P.S. A recent podcast guest, Jeffrey Allen, lives by the philosophy that just beneath the surface of the physical world is a fun, exciting, and empowering world of energy and awareness. Check out the powerful discussion I had with Jeffrey on the journey to awaken his own spirit mind.

Chapter 6:
Keyword Research
From the fundamentals of link building to the nuances of natural linking patterns, virality, and authority.
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