When it comes to personal injury attorneys, people have a wide array of choices. Unfortunately, they often go with the guy with the biggest smile on the biggest billboard ensuring people he will help them. Those law firms are mills that settle cases on the cheap. But Yosha Law is the real deal.

Praise From Thought Leaders

Founder and CEO of Social Media Examiner
I know Stephan this man is a genius… top guy in the SEO business
I know Stephan, and I want to tell you something, this man is a genius. He’s considered to be the top guy in the SEO business.
Read MoreLessEntrepreneur, Author & Peak Performance Strategist
Most sought out speaker and authority on SEO…
With so many marketing pundits foretelling the end of marketing as we know it–with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) taking over the world, the promise of more institutional regulations and online marketing imposters making it more difficult for the good guys to do good–one of the really good guys is doubling down by releasing the 4th edition of his book on one of those areas where its demise has been erroneously predicted, Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
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Titans Marketing and author of Overdeliver
What I do know though is that Stephan Spencer is the smartest cat I know in the world about SEO. I know because he does it every day for himself and his clients.
G’Day Lads, Taki Moore here. So, SEO. I don’t know about you, but A. I know it’s important, B. I know I don’t know very much about it. What I do know though is that Stephan Spencer is the smartest cat I know in the world about SEO. I know because he does it every day for himself and his clients. He’s written not just the book but THE book on the topic. So if you need SEO help, you should probably check him out.
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Founder, Million Dollar Coach
Client Case Studies


Here’s How I Helped OWC Increase Their Sales By Over 40% Within 2 Months Of Implementation
For more than 30 Years, OWC has had a simple goal. To create innovative DIY solutions to give customers the most from their technology. They have established a loyal following of Mac enthusiasts who come for the selection and prices and stay for the support, including providing their customers with DIY upgrade videos. They have carved out a niche and consistently deliver on the promise of providing great products, great value, and excellent customer service.

The Result Was A Full-page Article In The Denver Post
GHC Housing, a client of coauthor Stephan Spencer, was rehabbing an apartment building in downtown Denver, turning it into luxury Section 8 housing. Shortly before the grand reopening, the client asked Stephan to help them get some online press coverage (ideally with links). The first step was to find a relevant recent article in the local newspaper, The Denver Post. The article “Denver rents actually inch up as apartments rise at near-record clip” fit the bill perfectly. It was only three weeks old at the time, so it was still fresh enough to email the journalist with a comment and for it not to seem weird. The general manager of GHC then drafted an email to send to the journalist.

Branded Terms Made Up 30% Of This Site’s Traffic—Now Their Conversion Rate Is Through the Roof
AMain Hobbies is a leading online retailer of remote controlled cars, planes, drones, and other toys based in Chico, California. AMain operates an e-commerce site with over 60,000 product pages. As you can imagine, a site that large is a significant challenge to optimize. In 2013, AMain found that although they were receiving a substantial amount of organic traffic, they were not ranking for many key product terms in their niche. In fact, over 30% of their traffic at that time was coming from branded searches like “amain hobbies”. AMain knew that missing out on product searches meant one thing: they were also missing out on sales!
How I Grew This Website’s Organic Traffic by 554% in Just 12 Months
John Rampton is an expert in content marketing. If there’s one thing he knows, it’s how to write copy. When he started Due.com, an online payments processing service, he knew exactly what type of content he needed to engage his customers and get them excited about the company. But John is the first to admit that he doesn’t know that much about the technical side of SEO. Like any smart business owner, he understands his blind spots, and seeks out experts to help him fill in the gaps. While he knew what the people coming to his site wanted, he just wasn’t sure whether Google’s algorithms would love his content too.

Here’s How I Helped Numerologist.com Boost Their Organic Traffic by 570% in Just 12 Months
Numerologist.com is one of the leading numerology portals on the web. Since its inception in the late 90s, the site has provided a wealth of information on numerology, astrology, relationships, and personal growth to a growing audience. Over its lifetime, Numerologist.com has developed a dedicated following and a reputation as an innovator for products such as their interactive numerology reading.

How We Took Everipedia’s Pinterest Account From 31 Monthly Viewers To Over 1,000,000
Everipedia is heralded in the press as “The new Wikipedia.” However, Everipedia has much more to offer than Wikipedia. While covering everything Wikipedia does, Everipedia’s is fundamentally an Encyclopedia of Everything. Its core strength lies in the fact that it covers many subjects Wikipedia doesn’t (and won’t.) Everipedia uses blockchain technology to help fulfill a vision for a world where all knowledge is available to all people. They have succeeded in taking the Online Encyclopedia into the Modern Age.
Client Interviews

From Hands-On to Visionary with Graham Robins
The e-commerce revolution has transformed how products move across borders, creating new opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes. Our guest today is an expert guide through this complex terrain. Graham Robins is the Executive Chairman of A&A Customs Brokers. He’s also the Founder and Executive Chairman of BorderBuddy, which is digitizing the customs clearance process into the USA and Canada for carriers, digital platforms, importers/exporters and customs brokers. Graham is active in the Young Presidents Organization, and in fact, he just finished a chairmanship role of the British Columbia chapter. He is also the host of the Graham Robins podcast. But most importantly, he’s a former client of mine, and we’re going to go behind the scenes on some of the initiatives we implemented on BorderBuddy.com. To kick off the episode, Graham shares his origin story, how he was born into the customs brokerage world with his parents starting A&A in 1979. He joined full-time after high school in 1991, learning the ropes during summers and weekends prior. A&A serves large companies shipping high volumes internationally. But 15 years ago, as e-commerce took off, Graham saw small businesses and individuals needing support, too. So, he launched BorderBuddy to provide tailored services for this market. We’ll hear Graham’s business advice from building two brands with his family spanning four decades, including tactical insights for e-commerce retailers, manufacturers, and service providers on expanding globally. And that, of course, will include how I and my team optimized the BorderBuddy website for better SEO and conversion. So, without any further ado, on with the show!

Link Building in an AI-Driven World with Gareth Simpson
“Focusing on individual tactics is to get stuck on tunnel vision; focus on a more holistic and intelligent approach and look at the 40,000-foot view.” These are wise words spoken by Gareth Simpson, my guest on today’s show. Gareth founded Seeker Digital—a link outreach agency for e-commerce, enterprise and SaaS brands. Within their first five years, Seeker experienced over 1600% growth, which is mind-blowing by anyone’s standards! Gareth has been an SEO and link building expert, recently doubling down on AI for his clients. In this episode, we talk about the future of Google search, the current AI situation, and the mistrust people have around its potential negative implications. We discuss the bias of AI, which, of course, correlates to the dataset it’s using as training data. Since AI is in its infancy or pre-teen years, we’re all responsible for molding and shaping its capabilities. So, it is an amazing time in tech and marketing, and in a broader sense, for society at large. This episode is chock full of real-world SEO experience and insight into the future of AI, with a wide-lens view that helps bring this pivotal moment in human history into focus. So, without any further ado, on with the show!

A Case Study in Preeminence, Prominence, and Positioning with Brandon Yosha
If there is a moral vacuum, it’s your duty to step in and be a mensch – a person of great integrity. When talking with my guest on today’s show, Brandon Yosha, I was reminded of these powerful words spoken by Aaron Feuerstein, the “Mensch of Malden Hills.” Personal injury law is not always a savory arena, but Brandon is a pretty amazing example of what you can accomplish if you are guided by a higher mission. He is a trial lawyer and co-owner and partner at Yosha Law. He’s also a former college football player. Brandon and I got to know each other through his cousin, the legendary Jay Abraham, a repeat guest here on Marketing Speak. Brandon became a client nearly a year ago. He’s more than just a client though; he has become a good friend. In this case study episode, we talk about how Yosha Law, with guidance from me and my team, has been able to utilize SEO and online marketing to achieve an astounding 23 signed cases last month. That’s a record for the firm which has been around since the 1960’s. Brandon and I talk about the principle of preeminence, which is one of Jay Abraham’s teachings, and how we together put this principle into practice in a number of creative ways. If you’ve ever wondered how pursuing profit and doing good can go hand-in-hand, you need to listen to this episode—it’s truly inspiring. So, without any further ado, on with the show!

Down To Earth, Not Down and Dirty with Ross Dunn
It’s always a treat to interview a client and case study some of the stuff we were able to accomplish together, and this episode is no exception. My guest is Ross Dunn, a pillar in the SEO world, a real OG. Ross is the CEO of StepForth Web Marketing, and Co-Founder of First.Dentist. He has been practicing SEO for over 24 years. His podcast, SEO 101 on WMR.FM formerly Webmaster Radio, has been around for 12 years, downloaded 3 million times, and favorited by HubSpot and by Google’s John Mueller. In this episode, Ross and I cover a range of topics — from SEO, website redesigns, conversion, sales close techniques, to even impostor syndrome! Get ready to learn a ton from one of the most down-to-earth SEO experts I know! And now, on with the show!

A View into the World of AI and Ecommerce with Ali Najafian
Ali Najafian is the CEO and founder of Alfred Intelligent, and he’s a true innovator and a client. Alfred Intelligent is better known by the brand it owns and operates, Trendy Butler. Trendy Butler is a men’s clothing subscription box service that curates looks and sends them to customers on a monthly basis. The stylist working behind the scenes at Trendy Butler is an AI algorithm. Think of it as a matchmaker, but for your new style, instead of your new spouse. In this episode Ali and I talk about how to use AI and other innovative tech not to curate looks, but to enhance your marketing. Stay tuned for an information-packed and inspiring episode!

Fast-Forward Your Marketing with Daniel Liebeskind
The internet has been an incredible tool for opening up the world in so many ways, and blockchain technology takes this to a whole other level. When it comes to marketing, some of the most innovative and nimble companies out there are in the blockchain sector. And Everipedia is no exception, serving as a great example of this kind of forward-thinking. My guest today is Daniel Liebeskind, Chief Product Officer at Everipedia. Daniel is an experienced software engineer with a background in investment banking and venture capital.

How to Grow a Site from 0 to 6 Million Visitors with Chris Parker
Starting up a business is fraught with stressors and unknowns. And especially these days with what’s happening in the world – the pandemic, the global recession. Some of us are blessed with that entrepreneurial gene that tells them, “go for it!” But most of us are wary of walking away from the security of paychecks and benefits.

This Publishing Giant Does SEO Differently with Dan Gaul
Digital publishing is a tough business. But one brand that’s thriving is Digital Trends, the largest independent tech publisher in the US. Based in Portland, Oregon, the site receives over 30 million visitors a month. Digital Trends has also grown to include a popular Spanish language version of the site and a men’s lifestyle brand, The Manual. What sets Digital Trends apart from the competition is the unique approach of co-founders Dan Gaul and Ian Bell to content, revenue, and cultivating their audience. On this episode number 188, Digital Trends co-founder and CTO Dan Gaul is joining me to discuss the rise of Digital Trends and some of the secrets to their success, and how these secrets can be applied to you and your business. Stay tuned for some of Dan’s insightful views on content, SEO, recruitment and much more.

His Marketing Will Give You Goosebumps with Blair Gorman
Have you ever had a numerology reading? Are you superstitious about numbers? My guest is Blair Gorman, the Founder of Numerologist.com, one of the most popular and successful numerology sites on the web. You may be wondering what numerology has to do with marketing? Whether you swear by your destiny number or not, you can definitely learn some amazing lessons about digital marketing from this show. That’s because Numerologist.com is a powerful innovator in online marketing and has been for years. They are so innovative that at one time Google used them as a case study. Blair is often miles ahead of his competitors when it comes to embracing cutting-edge techniques. He’ll be talking about interactive Video Sales Letters or VSLs, augmented reality, virtual reality, social media, how to write killer copy and most importantly, how to incorporate it all into a marketing strategy that generates impressive growth. Number 185, which is this episode’s number, in numerology is all about professional success, material abundance, and new beginnings. Keep tuned in because this episode might be your lucky number.

Wow Your Prospects with Jill Nelson
It’s a strange world we live in where it’s considered inappropriate to call without texting first. Isn’t placing unannounced calls exactly what phones are for? I remember the days where I could call my friends or even prospects out of the blue and it was totally fine. Regardless, the phone is often still your first touch point with prospects and their first impression of you. No one knows better how to capitalize on the opportunity of the inbound phone call than Jill Nelson. Jill is the Founder and CEO of Ruby Receptionists and my guest for this episode. She is an award-winning businesswoman who started Ruby in 2003 and had scaled it to a thriving company with over 500 staff achieving double-digit growth every year since its inception. She offers virtual receptionist services to business owners and so far, her army of 400 receptionists have answered 50 million phone calls. If you care about customer experience, then you’ll absolutely want to hear what Jill has to say in this wide-ranging conversation. She reveals her secrets to mastering the prospect’s first impression, how to wow customers and her secrets to the perfect phone script.
Client Testimonials
We found the best of the best…
SEO was one of the single biggest mistakes that Connected Investors made because we were initially a closed social network, where our content wasn’t supposed to be syndicated.
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Founder of Connected Investors
Learn From A Guy Who's A Master At Upleveling...
There are more people than ever running online businesses using the internet because many of us are stuck at home, and navigating an online business can be tricky today because of these ever-changing algorithms and SEO. You never know what's going to happen, and it's possible to navigate it on your own.
But why take on that stress? I didn't. That's why I work with a guy named Stephan Spencer, who essentially wrote the books, actually three of them on SEO. He's an internationally recognized SEO expert and bestselling author of Google Power Search and the Art of SEO. In addition to hacking SEO, Stephan spent a lot of time hacking himself, just like I have.
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Author of The Bulletproof Diet and creator of Bulletproof Coffee
In terms of ROI, it was a sizable investment for us at the time but absolutely worth every penny. He’s certainly a thought leader.
The first thing I wanted to point out was how technical he was, his technical ability, how cutting edge some of the concepts he brought to the table were, the observations that he had. We were facing a lot of technical challenges at the time, and he was really efficient in diagnosing those problems, pointing those out, and giving us a clear path to remedy those problems.
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(former) SEO Lead, Zappos
He’s definitely one of the good few guys in SEO
I’m an SEO specialist for the past 5 years and I worked with Stephan for about a year on a bigger project, it turned out great. As we go along and things come up, Stephan’s always one I go to for further information, I tell our great ideas, he’s definitely one of the good few guys in SEO.
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SEO Specialist, CBS Interactive (CNET).
He’s always professional, alway courteous, and wickedly efficient
Stephan Spencer has rescued our company from SEO train wrecks that we created ourselves. He’s done it multiple times, when other SEO consultants and developers could not. He’s always professional, alway courteous, and wickedly efficient. When the SEO chips are down, call Stephan.
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Publisher, Practical eCommerce
Stephan has a real enthusiasm for the power of the internet to change businesses
Stephan worked on SEO and eCommerce Strategy for House of Travel. Stephan has a real enthusiasm for the power of the internet to change businesses and his passion rubbed off on House of Travel. While working on House of Travel their online revenue increased dramatically.
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Managing Director, Inside Out
Provided some good guidelines to us that are still in use today
I met Stephan here two years ago, and we were searching for someone to give us some SEO advice, and what we struggled with then and what we still struggle with today is, who do you believe when it comes to SEO and best practices? You can’t really believe in Google’s saying all the time, you can’t really believe in what a lot of people say. Stephan and his company were actually very helpful to us and provided some good guidelines to us that are still in use today and continue to do a lot. If there’s anyone you can believe about SEO its Stephan.
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Sr. Manager, Audience Acquisition,
We are grateful to Stephan for planting the seed for one of the most successful Web projects The Carter Center has undertaken to-date
As a means of raising the profile of The Carter Center and driving traffic to our website, Stephan Spencer suggested that President Carter write a blog. We took that suggestion, developed a strategy around a trip to the West African countries of Togo, Ghana, and Mali, and posted regular blogs from President Carter (with photos, sidebars and news stories, and links to related material on our site) over the course of eight days.
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Communications Specialist,
Office Of Public Information,
The Carter Center
Under his guidance, we re-engineered our online business on a level that was far superior to what we could have accomplished alone. It was well worth the investment.
“Stephan’s SEO audit identified some major problem areas in our site that had eluded us. That, along with his expert assistance in creating a more authoritative link profile, was pivotal in successfully resolving a manual action and setting us up for long-term success in Google. Under his guidance, we re-engineered our online business on a level that was far superior to what we could have accomplished alone. It was well worth the investment.“
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Manager, BitCandy
I recommend Stephan without reservation
Working with Stephan was without a doubt one of the best investments we’ve made. After implementing only half of Stephan’s recommendations, our organic traffic went up 70%, which is not easy when you already have 90,000 daily organic visits and you’ve optimized your site a whole lot over the years. I recommend Stephan without reservation.
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Founder and CEO, Streema Inc.
He was key to turning my business from an idea into reality
I will rarely write a review such as this and frankly, Stephan doesn’t need any more accolades, however, he was key to turning my business from an idea into reality. He defined our entire digital strategy (including the blog, podcast and explainer video), and even created our brand from scratch. Going into it, my 18-year company was American Response, Inc. and we didn’t even have a web site.
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President and CEO, Skycover
After the first time going through Part 1 and 2 of the course I can say it’s great value for the money
After the first time going through Part 1 and 2 of the course I can say it’s great value for the money. About Search Console I knew the basics – I did only setup the accounts for my customers and clicked a little here and there. Now I have a guideline to get the full picture!
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Werner Laske, WELA Ltd.
Here’s a person who knows what’s hot even before it’s lukewarm
How does Stephan Spencer have the ability to predict the future? Here’s a person who knows what’s hot even before it’s lukewarm. Over the past twelve years, our executive team has followed his advice, learned from his counterintuitive insights and reaped the benefits of creating a brand that now has authority, influence and exactly the positioning we want in our market space. The lesson is to listen, gain understanding and act upon his incredible insights.
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Speaker Hall of Fame inductee,
Emmy award–winning television personality,
Guinness World Record holder,
bestselling author,
founder of SteveSpanglerScience.com
Working with an expert
Working with an expert like Stephan has been amazing. Stephan and his team helped my site recover from a manual Google penalty. He literally wrote “the book” on SEO and so glad to have a cutting edge expert on my side.
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The Guard
You changed our whole model, and as a result we are crushing it
Thanks for all your help. You changed our whole model, and as a result we are crushing it.
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CEO and Founder, School of Style
SEO techniques that have actually improved my business skills tremendously
Hi, this is Jim and I wanted to say a few words about Stephan Spencer’s coaching program. I actually have used Stephan’s program for three months and it’s been super beneficial to me. It actually helped me to retain one of my biggest clients.
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Xpurience Media, Founder
Stephan’s a SEO Expert
Hi, I’m Kendall Bennett. I’m the CEO of AMain Performance Sports and Hobbies. Stephan’s a SEO Expert. We contracted him, we were struggling to get our SEO to work correctly. Stephan came along and he’s very expensive but he’s probably the best SEO guy that we’ve ever worked with.
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CEO of AMain Performance Sports and Hobbies
Client List