A Case Study in Preeminence, Prominence, and Positioning with Brandon Yosha
If there is a moral vacuum, it’s your duty to step in and be a mensch – a person of great integrity. When talking with my guest on today’s show, Brandon Yosha, I was reminded of these powerful words spoken by Aaron Feuerstein, the “Mensch of Malden Hills.” Personal injury law is not always a savory arena, but Brandon is a pretty amazing example of what you can accomplish if you are guided by a higher mission. He is a trial lawyer and co-owner and partner at Yosha Law. He’s also a former college football player. Brandon and I got to know each other through his cousin, the legendary Jay Abraham, a repeat guest here on Marketing Speak. Brandon became a client nearly a year ago. He’s more than just a client though; he has become a good friend. In this case study episode, we talk about how Yosha Law, with guidance from me and my team, has been able to utilize SEO and online marketing to achieve an astounding 23 signed cases last month. That’s a record for the firm which has been around since the 1960’s. Brandon and I talk about the principle of preeminence, which is one of Jay Abraham’s teachings, and how we together put this principle into practice in a number of creative ways. If you’ve ever wondered how pursuing profit and doing good can go hand-in-hand, you need to listen to this episode—it’s truly inspiring. So, without any further ado, on with the show!

Chapter 6:
Keyword Research
From the fundamentals of link building to the nuances of natural linking patterns, virality, and authority.
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